Sunday, July 19, 2015

Let the Criminals Fight

Let’s outlaw guns.  Let’s outlaw guns, not because we are against violence, but because gun toting fascists are the greatest barrier to liberation which the United States faces.

Imagine if you will, the eventual revolution becomes a reality, and it is waged in the form of violent upheaval.  If such a scenario were to ever occur, our entire red neck, white bread, patriotic, fire arms rights activists would step up, and—at least—attempt to stamp out our hard earned chance at liberation.  Therefore, I say, make guns illegal on the grounds that it is the most effective means to give the liberation minded, gun toting, drug dealing, criminals, a chance at overhauling governmental authority.

Yes.  I think—very rationally—that guns are better in the hands of criminals than in the hands of most law abiding citizens.  The fear I have of having anyone use a gun to rape me or steal from me is much diminished from the fear I have for my future generations living under right wing oppression.  But I’m just a bumpkin living up in Vermont, anyhow.

The argument I make is simple; criminals are smart; we are not protected from criminals by having our law abiding civilians carrying guns.  That is unless we are ourselves the law abiding citizens with guns.  And I guess it is here where our nation’s argument rests; every citizen should be given the right to own means of protection.

What I believe is that we are faced here with a double edged reality.  Having rights, to carry and own protection, from criminals, seems logical.  And I’m not anti-violence.  However, if we are to endure the maelstrom of fascist leadership tactics, which are employed to dismantle civil unrest, we must oppose—not only fascist leadership tactics—but those who buy into the principles of resultant right wing political propaganda.  And there, buying into fascist politics, we have our men and women who stand for the right to bear arms.

“If guns are outlawed only criminals will carry guns.”  That’s the pitch of right wing gun rights activists; my retort is simply, yes !!!, a day when only criminals may carry guns is one in which I am really hopeful that liberation is not far behind.

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